Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Butterfly Bush Love and Good Clean Fun

 Mermaids plus dish soap equal hours of fun in shade.

 Cutting the hydrangeas back so that the oil (crikey, I almost typed "olive oil" I wish!) delivery person can actually make a delivery when they chose to.  Fall is in the air.  We generally try our darnedest not to use our heat until October (or was it November?).  We are of the put another sweater on, no shame in wearing a hat and scarf inside ilk.

This butterfly bush is so incredibly fragrant I could swoon!  I am hoping to save seeds to start more bushes in the spring.  Last fall I wasn't thinking far enough ahead, but this year I am.

 Lavender and Thyme looking good.  
Love to run my fingers through these on the way out the door.

Butterflies - this one in the lavender, but more are in the 
butterfly bush.  Sometimes 20 at a time!  

Today at Miss B's Pre-K orientation there was a huge billboard in the cafeteria covered with the loveliest butterfly fabric.  Actually two fabrics, each of which I had made dresses with as a teenager!  For a long while butterflies were a power animal of sorts for me.  Maybe power animal isn't quite the right phrase, but I had/have quite an affinity for them.  I saw this familiar fabric as a very good omen.  Which is good, it may be harder than I anticipated not to get teary over my little one heading off to school.

This article today in the NYTimes has me wanting to give figs a go.  Anyone with experience overwintering them in a cold climate?  We're zone 5.

I hope your day is a pleasantly fragrant one.

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