Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Where I've Been

The lovely Salmon Falls River sporting in fall costume.

Why hello there!  You may have wondered what black hole I have fallen into...well it is a black hole of happiness so to speak.

While I have not been blogging I've been...

Celebrating a second heartbeat!!

Spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

Spending a lot of time on the couch.

Spending a lot of time on our other couch.

Calling my hubby and asking him to bring sandwiches home for supper.

Celebrating a second heartbeat!!

Getting really good at saying no thank you to opportunities to do more.

Getting really good at just being, but getting at least a short walk in every day.

Telling Miss B she is going to be a big sister.

Watching her process this, and do a happy dance because she is so excited.

The next day answering her questions about whether or not you can marry your brother ; )

Still celebrating that second heartbeat and now feeling flutters of movement!!!

It is now a rare day when I actually vomit - yay!  And though I can still over do it, I feel my energy is on the upswing.

Dressing up as a super hero, maybe super mom, for Halloween, cause you know, I am ; )

Anyway, I hope to reconnect with this space, with the caveat there may be a few more things baby running through my noggin.  Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. bring it on! lobster mac was indeed insanely good and i would not have tried making it if not for that 'blog push.'
